Suppression Lists API

Suppression List Attributes

Key Meaning Example Type
id Internal identifier for this suppression list 123 Integer
organization_id The organization this suppression list belongs to 123 Integer
name Unique name of this list Invalid Email Addresses String
global This suppression list is global to this system false Boolean
mailing_list_id The mailing list this suppression list is for, or NULL if it is for the entire organization NULL Integer

Suppressed Address Attributes

Key Meaning Example Type
id Internal identifier for this address 123 Integer
suppression_list_id Identifier of the suppression list for this address 123 Integer
organization_id Organization id for this address 123 Integer
user_id The user id that added this address 123 Integer
email Address used by this record. See the "Address Formats" table below for details String
address_type Type of this address, see the "Address Formats" table below a String

Address Formats

Value of address_type Format of email Usage
a Email address is matched case-insensitively
d All addresses at this domain are matched
m 8629e8a722df2930a7513c4955ff886b The MD5 of the email address is matched

Get a list of suppression lists


GET /ga/api/v2/suppression_lists


Returns an array of suppression lists.

Create a new suppression list


POST /ga/api/v2/suppression_lists

Post Data

  "suppression_list": {
    "name": "New Suppression List",
    "mailing_list_id": null


Returns a suppression list object.

Update an existing suppression list


PUT /ga/api/v2/suppression_lists/:suppression_list_id


Returns the updated suppression list object.

Get a list of suppressed addresses


GET /ga/api/v2/suppression_lists/:suppression_list_id/suppressed_addresses?page=0&per_page=250


This endpoint returns an array of suppressed addresses.

Add new suppressed addresses


POST /ga/api/v2/suppression_lists/:suppression_list_id/suppressed_addresses/create_multiple

Post Data

This endpoint accepts a data parameter that contains an array of addresses.

  "data": [

Remove an address from the suppression list


DELETE /ga/api/v2/suppression_lists/:suppression_list_id/suppressed_addresses/:id

The value of :id can either be the internal identifier of the suppressed address or the address of the record.