Mailing Lists API

Get list of mailing lists

Get a list of the basic details of all mailing lists in InboxFirst.


GET /ga/api/v2/mailing_lists

Request Parameters

This API method does not require any additional parameters.


The response will be a JSON array where each element contains the following keys.

Key Meaning Example Type
id The id of the mailing list 123 Integer
name The name of the mailing list My Mailing List String
d_from_email The default From email for campaigns from this mailing list String
d_from_name The default From name for campaigns from this mailing list Bob Example String
d_reply_to The default Reply-To email address for campaigns from this mailing list String
d_virtual_mta The name of the default Virtual MTA for campaigns from this mailing list smtp1-1 String
d_url_domain The default URL Domain for campaigns from this mailing list String
d_speed The default speed for campaigns from this mailing list 75 Integer
d_sender_email The default Sender email address for campaigns from this mailing list String
d_bounce_email The default Bounce email address for campaigns from this mailing list. String
d_seed_lists The default seed lists for campaigns from this mailing list. This is an array of hashes with the id and name keys. [ { "id": 1, "name": "S1" } ] Array
d_autowinner_enabled The default setting for automatic winner selection on new campaigns true or false Boolean
d_autowinner_percentage The default percentage that will be sent for the split-test portion of the campaign (Note: This value is returned as a string to prevent floating-point conversion errors) 25.0 String
d_autowinner_delay_amount The default number of units of time that the campaign will wait before finishing after a split-test. 25 Integer
d_autowinner_delay_unit The default unit used in calculating the delay duration. minutes, hours, days String
d_autowinner_metric The default metric used to decide the winner. See the "Automatic Winner Selection Metrics" table for more information. clicks_unique, opens_unique String
has_format True if this mailing list uses the email_format field. true or false Boolean
has_confirmed True if this mailing list uses the confirmed field. true or false Boolean
custom_headers_enabled True if this mailing list uses custom headers. If true, custom_headers must be set. true or false Boolean
custom_headers The content of the custom headers that will be added to every email sent to this mailing list. X-Company: Acme\n String
primary_key_custom_field_id The custom field id of the primary key for the mailing list. If this value is null, then the primary key is the subscriber's email address. 9918 Integer
preview_custom_field_data The custom field data, see example below. See below Hash
is_remote_list True if this mailing list uses a remote database to retrieve recipient data for campaigns. false Boolean
database_connection_id The primary key of the database connection to use on this mailing list. 123 Integer
database_connection_name The name of the database connection to use on this mailing list. My SQL Server Integer
  1. Note: This value is returned as a string to prevent floating-point conversion errors. You may send this value as an Integer, Float or String. Posting a value with more than two decimals will cause a validation error. Be careful because IEEE floating point can not exactly represent some decimal values. For example 94.85 is represented as 94.85000000000001 which will cause a validation error if used here. You may want to print to a string using two decimal places of precision.
Preview Custom Field Data

The preview_custom_field_data key is filled with a hash.

  "Custom Field Name": {
    "name": "Custom Field Name",
    "type": "text",
    "value": "Bob Example"
  "Next Custom Field": {
    "name": "Next Custom Field",
    "type": "select_multiple_checkboxes",
    "value": [ "Red", "Blue" ]

Custom fields which have Preview Custom Field Data values and are not specified in the preview_custom_field_data list, will remain with the same values. In other words: the custom fields provided in preview_custom_field_data are merged in with the existing Preview Custom Field Data custom fields.

Example Request

Note that the JSON response will not be "pretty formatted" as it is below.

> GET /ga/api/v2/mailing_lists HTTP/1.1
> Authorization: Basic MTo1ZTk2NDY1Yzg4M2YzMzA5ZjAxMDVhMmUxMDc2NjMyYjY4N2U2MWQy
> User-Agent: curl/7.24.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin12.0) libcurl/7.24.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8r zlib/1.2.5
> Host:
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
< Pragma: no-cache
< Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT
< Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
< X-UA-Compatible: IE=Edge
< Set-Cookie: _session_id=458055a23f26f844e74f8cd7300f6445; path=/; HttpOnly
< X-Request-Id: f6e40d578ed1d9c418cca45e1b7fe532
< X-Runtime: 0.025540
< Connection: close
    "data": [
            "d_bounce_email": null,
            "d_bounce_email_id": "",
            "d_from_email": "",
            "d_from_name": "Joe Example",
            "d_reply_to": "",
            "d_sender_email": "",
            "d_speed": 0,
            "d_url_domain": "",
            "d_url_domain_id": 1,
            "d_virtual_mta": "System Default Route",
            "d_virtual_mta_id": 0,
            "d_autowinner_enabled": false,
            "d_autowinner_percentage": null,
            "d_autowinner_delay_amount": null,
            "d_autowinner_delay_unit": null,
            "d_autowinner_metric": null,
            "has_format": false,
            "has_confirmed": false,
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Daily News Letter",
            "custom_headers_enabled": true,
            "custom_headers": "X-Company: Acme\n",
            "primary_key_custom_field_id": null,
            "preview_custom_field_data": {
              "First Name": { "name": "First Name", "type": "text", "value": "Bob Example" }
            "d_bounce_email": "",
            "d_bounce_email_id": "4@1",
            "d_from_email": "",
            "d_from_name": "Bob Staging",
            "d_reply_to": "",
            "d_sender_email": "",
            "d_speed": 0,
            "d_url_domain": "",
            "d_url_domain_id": 1,
            "d_virtual_mta": "System Default Route",
            "d_virtual_mta_id": 0,
            "d_autowinner_enabled": true,
            "d_autowinner_percentage": "25.0",
            "d_autowinner_delay_amount": 10,
            "d_autowinner_delay_unit": "hours",
            "d_autowinner_metric": "opens_unique",
            "has_format": false,
            "has_confirmed": false,
            "id": 12,
            "name": "Weather Forecasts",
            "custom_headers_enabled": false,
            "custom_headers": "",
            "primary_key_custom_field_id": 112391,
    "error_code": null,
    "error_message": null,
    "success": true

Create a new mailing list


POST /ga/api/v2/mailing_lists

Request Parameters

This API method does not require any additional parameters.

Request Payload

The POST request should have a JSON document in its payload with all of the following keys.

Key Meaning Example Type The name of the mailing list My Mailing List String
mailing_list.d_from_email The default From email for campaigns from this mailing list String
mailing_list.d_from_name The default From name for campaigns from this mailing list Bob Example String
mailing_list.d_reply_to The default Reply-To email address for campaigns from this mailing list String
mailing_list.d_virtual_mta The name of the default Virtual MTA for campaigns from this mailing list smtp1-1 String
mailing_list.d_url_domain The default URL Domain for campaigns from this mailing list String
mailing_list.d_speed The default speed for campaigns from this mailing list 75 Integer
mailing_list.d_sender_email The default Sender email address for campaigns from this mailing list String
mailing_list.d_bounce_email The default bounce email address for campaigns from this mailing list. String
mailing_list.d_seed_list_ids The default seed lists for campaigns from this mailing list. This is an array of integers that represent the IDs of the seed lists to use. [ 1, 2 ] Array
mailing_list.d_seed_list_names The default seed lists for campaigns from this mailing list. This is an array of strings that represent the names of the seed lists to use. [ "Seed List", "Two" ] Array
mailing_list.d_autowinner_enabled The default setting for automatic winner selection on new campaigns trueor false Boolean
mailing_list.d_autowinner_percentage The default percentage that will be sent for the split-test portion of the campaign (See 1 below). 25.0 String
mailing_list.d_autowinner_delay_amount The default number of units of time that the campaign will wait before finishing after a split-test. 25 Integer
mailing_list.d_autowinner_delay_unit The default unit used in calculating the delay duration. minutes, hours, days String
mailing_list.d_autowinner_metric The default metric used to decide the winner. See the "Automatic Winner Selection Metrics" table for more information. clicks_unique, opens_unique String
mailing_list.has_format True if this mailing list uses the email_format field. true or false Boolean
mailing_list.has_confirmed True if this mailing list uses the confirmed field. true or false Boolean
mailing_list.custom_headers_enabled True if this mailing list uses custom headers. If true, custom_headers must be set. true or false Boolean
mailing_list.custom_headers The content of the custom headers that will be added to every email sent to this mailing list. X-Company: Acme\n String
mailing_list.is_remote_list True if this mailing list uses a remote database to retrieve recipient data for campaigns (See 2 below). false Boolean
mailing_list.database_connection_id The primary key of the database connection to use on this mailing list (See 2 below). 123 Integer
mailing_list.database_connection_name The name of the database connection to use on this mailing list (See 2 below). My SQL Server Integer
  1. Note: This value is returned as a string to prevent floating-point conversion errors. You may send this value as an Integer, Float or String. Posting a value with more than two decimals will cause a validation error. Be careful because IEEE floating point can not exactly represent some decimal values. For example 94.85 is represented as 94.85000000000001 which will cause a validation error if used here. You may want to print to a string using two decimal places of precision.


A successful response will return the mailing list record using the format described in the "Get list of mailing lists" section of the API.

A failure will return a standard error response with an explanation of what went wrong.

  • Only one of d_seed_list_ids and d_seed_list_names should be present in a single request.


> POST /ga/api/v2/mailing_lists HTTP/1.1
> Authorization: Basic MTo1ZTk2NDY1Yzg4M2YzMzA5ZjAxMDVhMmUxMDc2NjMyYjY4N2U2MWQy
> User-Agent: curl/7.24.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin12.0) libcurl/7.24.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8r zlib/1.2.5
> Host:
> Accept: */*
> content-type: application/json
> Content-Length: 309
    "mailing_list": {
        "d_bounce_email": null,
        "d_from_email": "",
        "d_from_name": "Joe Example",
        "d_reply_to": "",
        "d_sender_email": "",
        "d_speed": 0,
        "d_seed_list_names": [ "Seed List" ],
        "d_url_domain": "",
        "d_virtual_mta": "System Default Route",
        "d_autowinner_enabled": true,
        "d_autowinner_percentage": "25.0",
        "d_autowinner_delay_amount": 10,
        "d_autowinner_delay_unit": "hours",
        "d_autowinner_metric": "opens_unique",
        "has_format": false,
        "has_confirmed": false,
        "name": "Daily News Letter",
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
< Pragma: no-cache
< Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT
< Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
< X-UA-Compatible: IE=Edge
< Set-Cookie: _session_id=397c15499b2ee6e225accb1f75745129; path=/; HttpOnly
< X-Request-Id: 6944382a9a981c44a26f5aa6b318efb8
< X-Runtime: 0.027678
< Connection: close
    "data": {
        "d_bounce_email": null,
        "d_bounce_email_id": null,
        "d_from_email": "",
        "d_from_name": "Joe Example",
        "d_reply_to": "",
        "d_sender_email": "",
        "d_speed": 0,
        "d_seed_lists": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Seed List" } ],
        "d_url_domain": "",
        "d_url_domain_id": 2,
        "d_virtual_mta": "System Default Route",
        "d_virtual_mta_id": 0,
        "d_autowinner_enabled": true,
        "d_autowinner_percentage": "25.0",
        "d_autowinner_delay_amount": 10,
        "d_autowinner_delay_unit": "hours",
        "d_autowinner_metric": "opens_unique",
        "has_format": false,
        "has_confirmed": false,
        "id": 22,
        "name": "Daily News Letter",
        "custom_headers_enabled": false,
        "custom_headers": "",
        "primary_key_custom_field_id": null,
    "error_code": null,
    "error_message": null,
    "success": true

Update an existing mailing list


PUT /ga/api/v2/mailing_lists/:mailing_list_id

Request Parameters

Key Meaning Example
mailing_list_id The id of the mailing list to update 17293

Request Payload

The PUT request should have a JSON document in its payload with all of the following keys.

Key Meaning Example Type The name of the mailing list My Mailing List String
mailing_list.d_from_email The default From email for campaigns from this mailing list String
mailing_list.d_from_name The default From name for campaigns from this mailing list Bob Example String
mailing_list.d_reply_to The default Reply-To email address for campaigns from this mailing list String
mailing_list.d_virtual_mta The name of the default Virtual MTA for campaigns from this mailing list smtp1-1 String
mailing_list.d_url_domain The default URL Domain for campaigns from this mailing list String
mailing_list.d_speed The default speed for campaigns from this mailing list 75 Integer
mailing_list.d_sender_email The default Sender email address for campaigns from this mailing list String
mailing_list.d_bounce_email The default Bounce email address for campaigns from this mailing list. String
mailing_list.d_seed_list_ids The default seed lists for campaigns from this mailing list. This is an array of integers that represent the IDs of the seed lists to use. [ 1, 2 ] Array
mailing_list.d_seed_list_names The default seed lists for campaigns from this mailing list. This is an array of strings that represent the names of the seed lists to use. [ "Seed List", "Two" ] Array
mailing_list.d_autowinner_enabled The default setting for automatic winner selection on new campaigns true or false Boolean
mailing_list.d_autowinner_percentage The default percentage that will be sent for the split-test portion of the campaign 25.0 String
mailing_list.d_autowinner_delay_amount The default number of units of time that the campaign will wait before finishing after a split-test. 25 Integer
mailing_list.d_autowinner_delay_unit The default unit used in calculating the delay duration. minutes, hours, days String
mailing_list.d_autowinner_metric The default metric used to decide the winner. See the "Automatic Winner Selection Metrics" table for more information. clicks_unique, opens_unique String
mailing_list.has_format True if this mailing list uses the email_format field. true or false Boolean
mailing_list.has_confirmed True if this mailing list uses the confirmed field. true or false Boolean
mailing_list.custom_headers_enabled True if this mailing list uses custom headers. If true, custom_headers must be set. true or false Boolean
mailing_list.custom_headers The content of the custom headers that will be added to every email sent to this mailing list. X-Company: Acme\n String
mailing_list.primary_key_custom_field_id The custom field to use as this mailing list's primary key. If this is null, then the subscriber's email address will be the primary key. null Integer
mailing_list.preview_custom_field_data The custom field data, a hash that maps custom field names to values. { "First Name": "Bob" } Hash
mailing_list.database_connection_id The primary key of the database connection to use on this mailing list (See 2 below). 123 Integer
mailing_list.database_connection_name The name of the database connection to use on this mailing list (See 2 below). My SQL Server Integer
  1. The d_autowinner_percentage value is returned as a string to prevent floating-point conversion errors. You may send this value as an Integer, Float or String. Posting a value with more than 2 decimals will cause a validation error. Be careful because IEEE floating point can not exactly represent some decimal values. For example 94.85 is represented as 94.85000000000001 which will cause a validation error if used here. You may want to print to a string using two decimal places of precision.
  2. Only one of d_seed_list_ids and d_seed_list_names should be present in a single request.


A successful response will return the subscriber record using the format described in the "Get subscriber details" section of the API.

A failure will return a standard error response with an explanation of what went wrong.


> PUT /ga/api/v2/mailing_lists/22 HTTP/1.1
> Authorization: Basic MTo1ZTk2NDY1Yzg4M2YzMzA5ZjAxMDVhMmUxMDc2NjMyYjY4N2U2MWQy
> User-Agent: curl/7.24.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin12.0) libcurl/7.24.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8r zlib/1.2.5
> Host:
> Accept: */*
> content-type: application/json
> Content-Length: 309
    "mailing_list": {
        "d_bounce_email": null,
        "d_from_email": "",
        "d_from_name": "Joe Example",
        "d_reply_to": "",
        "d_sender_email": "",
        "d_speed": 0,
        "d_url_domain": "",
        "d_virtual_mta": "System Default Route",
        "d_autowinner_enabled": true,
        "d_autowinner_percentage": "25.0",
        "d_autowinner_delay_amount": 10,
        "d_autowinner_delay_unit": "hours",
        "d_autowinner_metric": "opens_unique",
        "has_format": false,
        "has_confirmed": false,
        "name": "Renamed Daily News Letter",
        "custom_headers_enabled": false,
        "custom_headers": "",
        "primary_key_custom_field_id": null,
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate
< Pragma: no-cache
< Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT
< Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
< X-UA-Compatible: IE=Edge
< Set-Cookie: _session_id=397c15499b2ee6e225accb1f75745129; path=/; HttpOnly
< X-Request-Id: 6944382a9a981c44a26f5aa6b318efb8
< X-Runtime: 0.027678
< Connection: close
    "data": {
        "d_bounce_email": null,
        "d_bounce_email_id": null,
        "d_from_email": "",
        "d_from_name": "Joe Example",
        "d_reply_to": "",
        "d_sender_email": "",
        "d_speed": 0,
        "d_url_domain": "",
        "d_url_domain_id": 2,
        "d_virtual_mta": "System Default Route",
        "d_virtual_mta_id": 0,
        "d_autowinner_enabled": true,
        "d_autowinner_percentage": "25.0",
        "d_autowinner_delay_amount": 10,
        "d_autowinner_delay_unit": "hours",
        "d_autowinner_metric": "opens_unique",
        "has_format": false,
        "has_confirmed": false,
        "id": 22,
        "name": "Renamed Daily News Letter",
        "custom_headers_enabled": false,
        "custom_headers": "",
        "primary_key_custom_field_id": null,
    "error_code": null,
    "error_message": null,
    "success": true

Deleting a mailing list

Deleting a mailing list is a two-step process:

  1. Request a Delete Confirmation Code. This will generate a confirmation code that will be valid for 2 minutes.
  2. Send the confirmation code back to the server.

We do this because deleting a mailing list is what we consider to be a major event. The following happens when a mailing list is deleted:

  1. All subscribers are deleted.
  2. All active/scheduled subscriber imports and exports are cancelled.
  3. All active/scheduled campaigns are cancelled.
  4. The mailing list's database entry is marked as deleted.

From that point forward, the mailing list will no longer appear in the user interface.


To request the confirmation code:

GET /ga/api/v2/mailing_lists/:mailing_list_id/delete_confirmation_code

To confirm the deletion and start the deletion process:

DELETE /ga/api/v2/mailing_lists/:mailing_list_id/confirmed/:delete_confirmation_code

Response (Request Confirmation Code)

Key Meaning
delete_confirmation_code The token to send back to the server to confirm deletion of the specified mailing list.
delete_confirmation_expires_at The time at which the included token will no longer be valid.
> GET /ga/api/mailing_lists/3/delete_confirmation_code HTTP/1.1
> Authorization: Basic MTpjMjBmMWMyODUwM2M5ODg2N2YwZDRjYWQ3NGYyMWI4NzU5ODMzYTAz
> Accept: application/json
> Content-Type: application/json

< Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 14:15:46 GMT
< Server: Apache/2.2.27 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.27 OpenSSL/1.0.1e-fips PHP/5.3.28 Phusion_Passenger/4.0.45
< X-UA-Compatible: IE=Edge,chrome=1
< ETag: "695e7fac5af2c12993874f8e798a127a"
< Cache-Control: must-revalidate, private, max-age=0
< X-Request-Id: efc60ffbc114662efdae67ff6f7f4e72
< X-Runtime: 0.084875
< X-Rack-Cache: miss
< X-Powered-By: Phusion Passenger 4.0.45
< Set-Cookie: _session_id=4c395b61027d76f25f469bedf53c6f5d; path=/; HttpOnly
< Status: 200 OK
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
< Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "delete_confirmation_code": "889d6ede39689b0f25e41d8cd4441f7d18082c79:1421871666",
    "delete_confirmation_expires_at": "2015-01-20T14:17:46Z"
  "error_code": null,
  "error_message": null

Response (Reply with Confirmation Code, Delete Mailing List)

An empty successful response to this request indicates that the mailing list has been marked as deleted and the data cleanup listed above has been done.

> DELETE /ga/api/mailing_lists/3/confirmed/889d6ede39689b0f25e41d8cd4441f7d18082c79:1421871666 HTTP/1.1
> Authorization: Basic MTpjMjBmMWMyODUwM2M5ODg2N2YwZDRjYWQ3NGYyMWI4NzU5ODMzYTAz
> Accept: application/json
> Content-Type: application/json

< Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 14:16:00 GMT
< Server: Apache/2.2.27 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.27 OpenSSL/1.0.1e-fips PHP/5.3.28 Phusion_Passenger/4.0.45
< X-UA-Compatible: IE=Edge,chrome=1
< ETag: "f744395dc73a323ce47b552d60a1c6cb"
< Cache-Control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
< X-Request-Id: 75d99d41a3063d411b23cd751c9bf4cd
< X-Runtime: 0.096435
< X-Rack-Cache: invalidate, pass
< X-Powered-By: Phusion Passenger 4.0.45
< Set-Cookie: _session_id=ae243b2ca548b6e3e1c57967bc33e44f; path=/; HttpOnly
< Status: 200 OK
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
< Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
  "success": true,
  "data": null,
  "error_code": null,
  "error_message": null